Filling up gas once a MONTH.
Not driving for days. More than 5 days in a row, sometimes.
Bakeries. The bread. The zimtschleife, and butterzopf for the perfect french toast.
The small-ness. Why does everything have to be so big here? It takes so much longer!
The community. Where are all the people? I don't see any elderly people getting fresh air and walking around. Oh right, because it isn't safe to. I don't see kids running around freely in groups. Same reason. I infrequently see moms pushing strollers but there may be 3 on a good day, vs around 100 where we used to live.
My heated floors made of real wood, and heated bathroom tiles. They felt so good on my feet.
Tilt-turn windows which let in the exact right amount of fresh air. Also, the non-draftiness in general of high-quality windows, no matter what quality build of your home.
My small but super well designed kitchen. What is up with kitchen cabinets and why aren't they always made of drawers?
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